Purchase Wigs To Accustom Yourself To A Shorter Hairstyle

If you have had shoulder-length hair for much of your adult life and have thought about choosing a shorter, sleek, style, but are unsure if this bold move will sit well with you after the decision is made, it is perfectly understandable that a new style may seem intimidating to you. Purchase a couple of wigs and wear them in public to grow accustomed to a fresh look.

Choose A Couple Wigs

It may seem like you are entering a foreign territory if you don't personally know anyone who has previously purchased and worn a wig. When visiting a boutique or specialty shop that sells wigs, be open-minded about the wig types that are presented to you. Ask for assistance with locating wigs that are a length and style that you prefer and trying on each one.

Specify if you would like to purchase wigs that contain human hair or synthetic tresses. The thickness and texture of your natural hair can be matched to the strands on a wig, or you can choose a different type of hair if you currently have thin, straight strands and would like to buy a wig that contains short, wavy strands.

Narrow down your options to a couple of wigs that flatter your facial features and that you feel confident about wearing. Purchase wig styles that vary somewhat so that you can alter your appearance considerably if you prefer to. 

Use Products And Accessories To Enhance Each Wig

Ask for care instructions for your purchases and request advice on what types of hair products or styling tools to use to enhance each wig. You may be able to purchase some items in the boutique or specialty shop that will help you attain a specific style.

Purchase scarves, barrettes, or pins that complement the color of the strands of hair that make up each wig. After returning home, take the time to get used to the wigs. Try each one on and use the hair tools and accessories to dabble with different styling techniques.

Go Out In Public And Have Your Picture Taken

Remember, if you choose to get your hair cut, you will need to face others on a daily basis. Getting used to the idea of sporting a shorter hairdo will help you determine if you are ready to get your hair cut. Be prepared for a mix of reactions from your acquaintances when they first spot you wearing one of the new wigs.

Have your picture taken on several occasions and look at the photographs to study your appearance. Even if you are not quite ready to have your hair cut, you can continue to wear the wigs whenever you would like to temporarily change the appearance of your hair.
