3 Boot Upgrades To Help Your Work Boots Pull Double Duty As Snow Shoveling Boots

A set of fully waterproofed boots can be a big investment, and often, the result is far less aesthetically pleasing than a custom or designer set of work boots. Rather than go out and buy one set of boots for work and daily wear and another for when the flakes start to fall, the cheaper and more convenient option is to make it so that one pair of boots is waterproof and tough enough to handle the snow while still looking good and getting the job done on a more typical job site. Here are three boot upgrades to help your everyday work boots handle the stress of an afternoon of shoveling.

Waterproofing Treatments

The quickest and easiest way to prep your boots for a day out in the slush is to hit them with some waterproofing treatment. While many boot wearers will recommend a spray as a quick fix, the truth is that a wax is the best way to protect your boots against dirt, moisture, and salt. To apply a wax, simply remove the laces from your boots and dab a clean cotton cloth into the tin of wax. Then, slowly rub the wax into the leather of your boots, making sure to even out the wax by going over every spot a few times, and buff it to a shine. Then, let the wax soak into your boots, and they'll be ready to wear in about a day. 

Nylon/Kevlar Laces

Another minor improvement that can make a big difference in how your boots handle the cold is a quick change of the laces. Rawhide and leather laces have a tendency to dry out and become brittle in the harsh cold and salt of a freshly powdered driveway. Unfortunately, wax won't do much to mitigate this issue, since it doesn't do much to soften the leather and make laces less prone to breaking. The solution, then, is to pick up a pair of nylon or Kevlar laces, which stand up much better than rawhide when the mercury drops. 

Dainite or Lug Soles

If you're looking to make a fairly drastic change to your boots in time for winter, than a full resole is the way to go. Leather or lightly worn crepe and wedge soles are bad news on a slippery sidewalk and should be avoided if you'll be doing work outside in the snow. Replacing these soles with a grippy rubber lug or Dainite sole will give you much better traction. An advantage of Dainite in particular is that its low profile will maintain a sleek look for your boots, truly preserving their form while upgrading their function. Contact a business, such as White's Boots, for more information. 
